India Project
Susan offers acupuncture for one month in India each year, treating diverse populations who would not otherwise have this opportunity.
Susan offers acupuncture in India for one month each year, treating diverse populations that would not otherwise have the opportunity to receive acupuncture. This initiative has enlivened Susan’s work and been a benefit indirectly to her patients at home.
She works at the Barsana Eye Camp, which offers free cataract surgery each year for a two week period in a poor rural district south of Delhi. Susan treats 100-300 individuals who are going blind. She primarily focuses on treating patients whose high blood pressure has made them ineligible candidates for the procedure. Her treatment has successfully lowered blood pressure and stress so that patients are able to proceed onto cataract surgery.
Susan also works at the Bhaktivedanta Hospital in Mumbai where she offers Five Element Acupuncture collaborating with the physician/acupuncturist in residence, to improve outcomes for the patients at the hospital.
10 minute video about the Bhaktivedanta Hospice in Vrindaban, India
This is one of the three locations Susan offers acupuncture.